Lablimpics 2023
Let the games begin! Heading link
To begin with, it was very, very hot on the day of Lablimpics 2023. Trevor, Evelyn, Andrea, and Dee Dee chill out with plates of juicy fruit before the games begin
Our lab representative and athlete extraordinaire, Dee Dee Aman dons the lab gloves and coat as fast as she can in the race of who first puts on PPE...
And here, Dee Dee all dressed in the scientific garb
Beginning of the next competition, with Andrea, Evelyn, and Dee Dee participating and Jerry reporting on it...
A glass of water has to be passed back and forth over heads of participants and collected at the end to the largest volume possible
Glass of water passes over Andrea's head!
...and Evelyn's Head
- Dee Dee's hands
...and over Trevor's head
Post competition, Andrea, D'lester and a friend exchange their impressions about the games. "What happened I think is, we sat on our laurels too comfortably after winning several competitions last year. We did not win this time, but there is always the next year..."
In the end, despite harsh competition, we all remained friends!