Diandra’s Thesis Defense
Diandra's defense took place on a rather unseasonably cold spring day of April 22, 2022. But don't judge a day by the weather, because it turned out to be a fabulous day for Diandra and all of us!
Diandra Heading link
Prof. Freitag and Diandra with a radiating smile because she just defended her thesis! Yay!
Here, Diandra with her lovely husband, Cory Taylor, and proud mom, Ms. Leonne Vaval. Their support and encouragement is what drove Diandra forward
Here, with her best friend Xiomarie and mom, who just doesn't let go off of her daughter
Diandra with two women who contributed so much to her success, the research mentor Prof. Nancy Freitag, and the life mentor, her mom
Diandra standing on a podium is hooded by Nancy Freitag as a brand new Doctor of Microbiology during 2022 Graduation Ceremony