Contact and Visit Us

UIC College of Pharmacy at the University of Illinois at Chicago was established in 1859 and it is one of the oldest pharmacy schools in the US.  It currently ranks as number one in the state and number seven in the nation.  UIC College of Pharmacy encompasses a variety of centers, research labs, and clinics, leading the way in drug discovery, infectious disease research, improving patient outcomes, and more.  Our lab is a part of the Center for Biomolecular Sciences (CBS), comprising labs that research the molecular mechanisms of diseases using genomics-based and genome-wide approaches.

The Freitag Lab is situated in the College of Pharmacy's Chicago west campus at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences headed by Prof. Nancy E. Freitag.  From windows of our lab one can glimpse skyscrapers of Chicago Loop, a beautiful downtown area in the proximity to Lake Michigan and the Chicago River flowing among bustling streets.   We can be found on the third floor of Molecular Biology Research Building (MBRB), where Nancy Freitag’s office is also located, in addition to her primary departmental office located on the fifth floor of the Pharmacy Building (PHARM).

Office and Laboratory at MBRB building Heading link

MBRB building at 900 S. Ashland Ave. in Chicago, IL

N. Freitag’s Lab Office:


900 S. Ashland Ave.
Room 3070 MBRB, MC 870
Chicago, IL 60607


Freitag Laboratory:


900 S. Ashland Ave.
Rooms 3064 and 3068 MBRB, MC 870
Chicago, IL 60607,  phone: 312-413-8691


Google Map of 900 S. Ashland Ave

Office at PHARM Building Heading link

Front of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy building at 833 S. Wood St. in Chicago, IL

N. Freitag’s Primary Departmental Office:


833 S. Wood Street
Room 544 PHARM, MC 781
Chicago, IL 60612


Google Map of 833 S. Wood Street